English summary
The idea behind my transformers is, that these objects are not finished jewellery pieces yet...they are just objects who has to be "transformed" into their final form...
they are pieces of jewellery who are used by the wearer in a temporary way as an oversized ring, pendant or accessory... but it s preview destiny is not to stay in this present form, but to be transgformed when a certain occasion appears ( engagement proposal etc..) into its final form ...
Sounds very theoretic? ... an example will make it clear:
A quite oversized ring, roughly forged from finegold ... or a large pendant made from a finegold nugget ... may contain so much material in gold, which would be easily enough for two rings ...
So when the wearer meets finally the person of his heart with whom he is decided to share the rest of his life ... he uses this "transformer" piece of jewellery (which had been charged with the wearers energy while he had worn it) as gift for his future partner to say: "I want You forever"..."you are my chosen one"...
So the chosen one wears this transformer further on (and charge it also with his energies) until they both decide to transform this "jewel" into a pair of partnerrings, wedding bands, ...